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Text File | 1992-03-28 | 79.7 KB | 2,703 lines |
- The Alcor Trivia Pro
- Classic Star Trek
- (Star-Log I)
- Version 1.0B
- Shareware Evaluation Copy
- March 20, 1992
- For IBM PC and Compatible Computers
- Copyright (c) 1992 by The Alcor Group, Inc., All Rights Reserved
- 1
- Information in this document is subject to change without notice
- and does not represent a commitment on the part of The Alcor
- Group, Inc. The software described in this document is furnished
- under a license agreement or a nondisclosure agreement. The
- software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms
- of the agreement.
- Copyright (c) 1992 by The Alcor Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- The Alcor Trivia Pro(TM) is a trademark of The Alcor Group,Inc.
- STAR TREK is a Registered Trademark of Paramount Pictures.
- Microsoft, MS, and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft
- Corporation.
- AT&T is a registered trademark of American Telephone and Tele-
- graph Company.
- AT, IBM, Personal System/2 and PS/2 are registered trademarks and
- PC/XT is a trademark of International Business Machines Corpora-
- tion.
- Hercules is a trademark of Hercules Computer Technology.
- COMPAQ is a registered trademark of Compaq Computer Corporation.
- 2
- -----------------
- WELCOME TO OUR REALM.........................................4
- About The Game..........................................4
- Game Highlights.........................................5
- System Requirements.....................................5
- SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT...................................7
- SHAREWARE...THE AFFORDABLE CHOICE...........................11
- Shareware a Definition.................................11
- A Note From The Author.................................12
- REGISTERING -or- DOING THE RIGHT THING......................13
- Benefits of Registering................................13
- Registering by Check or Money Order....................14
- Registering by Credit Card.............................16
- MISC. INFO & OTHER USEFUL STUFF.............................18
- Files on the Distribution Disk(s)......................18
- Technical Support......................................19
- Contacting the Author..................................19
- Navigating the User Interface..........................20
- PRE-GAMING PREPARATIONS.....................................23
- Making Backup Copies...................................23
- Installing the Game....................................24
- Hard Disk Installation............................24
- High Density Floppy Disk Installation.............25
- PLAYING THE GAMES...........................................26
- The Main Menu..........................................26
- Setting Up The Game Play...............................26
- Playing The Alcor Trivia Pro Games.....................30
- Why Should I Register This Game?.......................34
- Quitting The Game......................................35
- CUSTOMIZING THE GAME BOARDS.................................36
- Customize Game Play....................................36
- Customize Game Colors..................................38
- Restore Factory Defaults...............................39
- Restore Factory Colors.................................39
- Exiting The Customize Routine..........................39
- How to Save Multi-Player Games As System Default.......40
- WE WANT TO KNOW.............................................41
- APPENDIX....................................................42
- A Quick DOS Primer.....................................42
- Editing Keys Used In Our User Interface................45
- 3
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- It was sometime in the 1960's, we sat down in front of a strange
- contraption that resembled what we now call a television set. We
- turned the power switch to the on position. After a few moments
- which seemed more like an eternity, a faint picture slowly and
- mysteriously appeared on the crude television set's picture tube.
- Then we heard the words "Space...the final frontier. These are
- the voyages of the starship Enterprise..." emit from the tiny
- little speaker of this TV contraption. Who were these strange
- looking people? What did those first words that we all heard
- mean? Did any of us really know that we were watching the begin-
- ning of something that would touch our hearts along with many
- generations to come. Now we know that these first few words would
- more appropriately be "This is the LEGEND of the starship Enter-
- prise..." Sit back, reminisce, and come join us in our REALM and
- explore our salute to the courageous crew of the LEGENDARY Enter-
- prise.
- About The Game ---
- ------------------
- Have you worn out your current trivia game? Wish you could have
- something new and more exciting? Are you tired of the same old
- thing? We have the answer. The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek
- (Star-Log I).
- The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I) is a trivia-
- oriented game for one to ten players or teams. Within this game,
- you will discover 150 new and stimulating questions to test your
- knowledge on a variety of topics about the Star Trek realm. Each
- question has four possible answers to choose from but, only one
- is correct. If you correctly answer the question, you will be
- rewarded with additional facts and trivia about the Star Trek
- realm to expand your knowledge and enjoyment.
- The object of each game is to earn the highest score possible and
- enter the hall of fame. You can play against other players or
- just play against the current hall of fame members.
- There are three types of game play boards which you may choose
- from. You may customize the games to your hearts content. You,
- not us, choose how you like to play. The three types of games are
- as follows:
- 1. The Number of Questions Game
- This type of game is played by a player answering a set number of
- questions. The game ends when the player has attempted to answer
- a certain number of questions.
- 4
- 2. The Number of Misses Game
- This type of game is played by a player answering a set
- number of questions. The game ends when the player misses a
- set number of questions or answers all of the questions
- properly.
- 3. The Casino Style Game
- This type of game is played by a player answering a set
- number of questions. A player first places a bet before
- attempting to answer the question. The game ends when the
- player answers all of the questions properly or runs out of
- points.
- Game Highlights ---
- -------------------
- Here are just a few of the Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek
- (Star-log I)'s highlights.
- - One to Ten players or teams
- - Compete against each other or the top ten scores
- - THREE distinctly different styles of game play
- - Totally user configurable
- - Hall of fame for each type of game play
- - Save and restore multiple games
- - On-line help system with hypertext technology
- - Allow hints for hard to answer questions
- - Allows player handicaps for slower readers
- - You are rewarded with additional trivia when correct
- - Supports Monochrome, CGA, EGA, VGA, Hercules monitors & more
- - Contains multiple topics
- - Optional mouse support
- - Menu driven for ease of use
- - Point & shoot menu system
- - And Much Much More...
- System Requirements ---
- -----------------------
- The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I) runs on the
- IBM PC family of computers, including the XT, AT, and PS/2,
- along with all true IBM compatibles. The Alcor Trivia Pro
- Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I) requires DOS 2.0 or higher and at
- least 384K; it runs on any 80-column monitor. The minimum re-
- quirement is one floppy drive, or a hard disk.
- The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I) supports
- almost any 80 column printer on the market. Your printer must be
- connected to LPT1 or redirected to PRN.
- The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I) includes
- floating-point routines that let your programs make use of an
- 80x87 math coprocessor chip. It emulates the chip if it is not
- 5
- available. Though it is not required to run The Alcor Trivia
- Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I), the 80x87 chip can signifi-
- cantly enhance your program's performance.
- The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I) also sup-
- ports a mouse. Though the mouse isn't required, if you have
- one, you must have one of the following for full
- compatibility:
- Microsoft Mouse version 6.1 or later, or any mouse
- compatible with this mouse
- Logitech Mouse version 3.4 or later
- Mouse Systems' PC Mouse version 6.22 or later
- IMSI Mouse version 6.11 or later
- 6
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- This document is a legal agreement between you, the "end user,"
- DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY: Users of The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic
- Star Trek (Star-Log I) must accept this disclaimer of warranty;
- "The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I) is supplied
- as is. The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or im-
- plied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchant-
- ability and of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no
- liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result
- from the use of The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log
- I). In no event shall the author be liable for any damages, in-
- cluding lost profits, lost savings, or any other incidental or
- consequential damages arising out of the use of or the inability
- to use this program, even if the author has been advised of the
- possibility of such damages, or for any claim by any other
- party."
- COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek
- (Star-Log I) is a copyrighted program protected by United States
- copyright laws and international treaty provisions. If you ob-
- tained The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I) from a
- shareware disk vendor, an on-line computer service or bulletin
- board, a friend or colleague, or another similar source, you have
- an unregistered (trial) copy. You are authorized to use this
- copy without charge for a limited period of time under the terms
- of this license agreement. After this time is up, you must
- register and pay for The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek
- (Star-Log I) to continue using it.
- DEFINITIONS: The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I)
- is distributed in two forms. A "registered" copy of The Alcor
- Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek Star Log I is a copy distributed on
- diskette, purchased from The Alcor Group, Inc. or from a dealer,
- and which includes a serial number and the legend "licensed" or
- "registered" in the program sign-on message and on the diskette
- label. A "shareware" copy of The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star
- Trek (Star-Log I) is a copy distributed on diskette or via an
- electronic bulletin board, on-line service, or other electronic
- means, obtained from a shareware disk vendor, or obtained from
- another individual, and which displays the legend "shareware" in
- the program sign-on message.
- GRANT OF LICENSE - Permitted Uses and Restrictions (Shareware
- Copies): Shareware copies of The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star
- Trek (Star-Log I) are distributed to allow you to try the program
- before you pay for it. They are Copyright (c) 1992 by The Alcor
- 7
- Group, Inc. and do not constitute "free" or "public domain"
- software. You may use a shareware copy of The Alcor Trivia Pro
- Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I) at no charge for a trial period of
- up to 21 days. If you wish to continue using The Alcor Trivia Pro
- Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I) after that period, you must pur-
- chase a registered copy. If you choose not to purchase a regis-
- tered copy, you must stop using The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star
- Trek (Star-Log I), though you may keep copies and pass them along
- to others.
- Feel free to share it with your friends, but please do not give
- it away altered or as part of another system. You must include
- all of the files (described in the AGREAD.ME file) that make up
- The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I) without any
- modifications, preferably in the original compressed archive
- file. You may upload The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek
- (Star-Log I) to the public sections of a public BBS, but you may
- not place it in any user group or commercial library or distrib-
- ute it for a fee or in any way sell copies of it, or distribute
- it with any other product or as an incentive to purchase any
- other product, without meeting the requirements of The Alcor
- Group, Inc. The appropriate requirements are explained in
- The essence of "user-supported" software is to provide personal
- computer users with quality software without high prices, and yet
- to provide incentive for programmers to continue to develop new
- products. If you find this program useful and find that you are
- using The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I) and
- continue to use it after the reasonable trial period, you must
- purchase a registered copy.
- You are encouraged to pass a copy of The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic
- Star Trek (Star-Log I) along to your friends for evaluation.
- Please encourage them to register their copy if they find that
- they can use it.
- Commercial users of The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-
- Log I) Register must register and pay for their copies of The
- Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I) within 21 days of
- first use or their license is withdrawn. Site-License arrange-
- ments may be made by contacting The Alcor Group, Inc.
- You may not reverse-engineer, disassemble, modify, decompile or
- create derivative works of the product. You acknowledge that the
- product includes certain trade secrets and confidential informa-
- tion, all of which are the copyrighted intellectual property of
- The Alcor Group, Inc.
- No version of The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I)
- may be rented, leased or sub-licensed.
- 8
- EXPORT RESTRICTIONS: The SOFTWARE may be subject to the export
- controls of the United States Departments of State and Commerce
- and End User agrees to fully comply with all applicable U. S.
- export regulations governing export, destination, ultimate end
- user and other restrictions relating to the SOFTWARE.
- U. S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS: If you are acquiring the
- SOFTWARE on behalf of any unit or agency of the United States
- Government, the following provision applies - It is acknowledged
- that the SOFTWARE and the documentation were developed at private
- expense and that no part is in the public domain and that the
- SOFTWARE and documentation are provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS.
- Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to
- restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of The
- Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause of DFARS
- 252.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial
- Computer Software-Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as ap-
- plicable. Contractor/manufacturer is The Alcor Group, Inc./P.O.
- Box 966/Goose Creek SC 29445.
- The Alcor Trivia Pro is a registered trademark of The Alcor
- Group, Inc. All rights are reserved worldwide.
- The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I) User's Manual
- is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. The reproduction of
- any document on the Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log
- I) diskette, in whole or part, or its conversion to electronic
- medium is prohibited unless prior consent, in writing, is given
- by The Alcor Group, Inc.
- This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of South
- Carolina. Any action or proceeding brought by either party
- against the other arising out of or related to this agreement
- shall be brought only in a STATE or FEDERAL COURT of competent
- jurisdiction located in Berkeley county, South Carolina, or in
- any other jurisdiction which is supplied by The Alcor Group, Inc.
- with advanced notice. The parties hereby consent to in personam
- jurisdiction of said courts.
- For further information: Should you have any questions concerning
- this Agreement, or if you desire to contact The Alcor Group, Inc.
- for any reason, please write: The Alcor Group, Inc./P.O. Box
- 966/Goose Creek SC 29445. If you need technical support for an
- Alcor Group product please call (803)569-2241. Our technical
- support hours are 10-5 EST.
- All Alcor Group products are trademarks or registered trademarks
- of The Alcor Group, Inc. All other brand and product names are
- trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
- 9
- Any use or distribution of The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek
- (Star-Log I), which violates this license agreement, will be con-
- sidered a copyright violation, and may be prosecuted to the full
- extent of the law.
- Registered Copies: Registered copies of The Alcor Trivia Pro
- Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I) are distributed to those who have
- purchased them. Registered copies of The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic
- Star Trek (Star-Log I) are governed by a different license agree-
- ment provided to the "end user" at the time of purchase.
- 10
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- The word Shareware will not be found in your dictionary. Soon
- maybe it will be as it rightly should. Please read the following
- section about shareware. You'll be in for a pleasant surprise.
- Shareware a Definition ---
- --------------------------
- Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software
- before buying it. If you try a Shareware program and continue
- using it, you are expected to register. Individual programs
- differ on details -- some request registration while others
- require it, some specify a maximum trial period. With registra-
- tion, you get anything from the simple right to continue using
- the software to an updated program with printed manual.
- Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and commercial software,
- and the copyright holder retains all rights, with a few specific
- exceptions as stated below. Shareware authors are accomplished
- programmers, just like commercial authors, and the programs are
- of comparable quality. (In both cases, there are good programs
- and bad ones!) The main difference is in the method of distribu-
- tion. The author specifically grants the right to copy and dis-
- tribute the software, either to all and sundry or to a specific
- group. For example, some authors require written permission
- before a commercial disk vendor may copy their Shareware.
- Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. You
- should find software that suits your needs and pocketbook, wheth-
- er it's commercial or Shareware. The Shareware system makes
- fitting your needs easier, because you can try before you buy.
- And because the overhead is low, prices are low also. Shareware
- has the ultimate money-back guarantee -- if you don't use the
- product, you don't pay for it.
- 11
- A Note From The Author ---
- --------------------------
- Software doesn't have to be expensive. ONLY YOU can make it
- affordable to everyone. We are dedicated to bringing you the best
- software programs and games at the lowest prices possible. We
- believe software should be affordable to everyone. Hundreds of
- hours have gone into this program for your enjoyment. Without
- your support, all of this time is just a waste.
- You may see this game in software libraries or on BBS's and order
- it. Please remember that I receive absolutely NO money or royal-
- ties from these places. They simply collect, manage and distrib-
- ute software, and that is what your disk payment is for. The only
- way I can afford to keep placing software of this quality in
- shareware is to have YOUR support. If you enjoy this game, please
- help us by registering your copy today.
- My family and I depend FULLY on the support of honest users who
- register the software I create. I know you won't let us down
- because, we have faith in you and the shareware system. Believe
- me, your registration fee does count.
- Thank you for your support,
- Rob L. Whisonant
- 12
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- If we all work together in harmony, software prices can be rea-
- sonable and affordable to everyone. There are many benefits to
- registering and reasons why you should register the programs that
- you enjoy and use. You will find information on the benefits of
- registering and how to register in the following sections. Please
- read these sections over and please do the right thing.
- Benefits of Registering ---
- ---------------------------
- There are many benefits to registering your copy of The Alcor
- Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I). Some of the many
- benefits are listed below.
- -Registered users receive FREE UNLIMITED technical support (A
- RARITY in these days).
- -You will receive a disk or disks containing the most current
- version of the program when you register. The registered version
- does not contain any shareware reminder screens or delay screens!
- -You will receive update notices on any future releases of The
- Alcor Trivia Pro and other Alcor Group, Inc. software releases.
- -You will be automatically notified of any address or telephone
- changes that occur as our company grows.
- -You will receive a FREE trial membership to our popular Games &
- Software Newsletter.
- -You will be eligible for any of our many contests that we hold
- or sponsor. Money and/or prizes will be awarded to the winners.
- -You will have access to our exclusive Members-Only Club and the
- many benefits that come with it.
- -You will gain access to our private BBS for downloading upgrades
- and new programs as they happen. We also sponsor many on-line
- games and conferences.
- -You will receive a BONUS disk containing;
- -A list of all Star Trek episodes, air dates and production num-
- bers.
- -A List of all characters that appeared in the Star Trek series
- along with the actors name and episodes that they appeared in.
- -You will receive a SECRET CODE that will allow you to answer all
- of the questions correctly. You will never lose a game again! Or
- just use the SECRET CODE to practice and answer only the really
- tough questions for your own enjoyment.
- 13
- -You will be eligible to receive discounts on any software pro-
- duced or distributed by The Alcor Group, Inc.
- -You will have access to our exclusive trivia of the month club
- and the many benefits that come with it.
- -You will have the opportunity to become a marketer/dealer/BBS
- uploader for our product line. This could add a substantial
- additional income to your present income, with little work in-
- volved on your part. Marketing disks are coded so when an order
- is processed, the person that marketed the shareware copy or
- uploaded it to a BBS will receive a royalty check each month.
- Registering by Check or Money Order ---
- ---------------------------------------
- You can order by sending check or money order to The Alcor Group,
- Inc. Please use the order form contained in the file agorder.doc.
- If you have lost this file, a copy is contained in this manual on
- the next page.
- 14
- The Alcor Trivia Pro CLASSIC STAR TREK Order Form
- (Use this order form when paying by Check or Money Order ONLY)
- Product Number 10500 Version 1.0B
- Date:_________________
- Name:___________________________________________________________
- Address:________________________________________________________
- Address:________________________________________________________
- City:___________________________________________________________
- State:________________________ Zip Code:________________________
- Country:________________________________________________________
- Telephone:______________________________________________________
- Where did you get this program?_________________________________
- Comments:_______________________________________________________
- Pricing: $4 each or any five for $10 or ALL Ten for $15
- Please send me the volumes checked below:
- ****************************************************************
- * [ ] Star-Log I [ ] Star-Log VI *
- * [ ] Star-Log II [ ] Star-Log VII *
- * [ ] Star-Log III [ ] Star-Log VIII *
- * [ ] Star-Log IV [ ] Star-Log IX *
- * [ ] Star-Log V [ ] Star-Log X *
- * *
- * Diskette type (check one): [ ] 5.25 [ ] 3.5 *
- * *
- ****************************************************************
- Checks or Money Orders must be drawn on US banks in US funds
- Make Checks & Money Orders Payable to: The Alcor Group, Inc.
- Sub-Total: $___________
- South Carolina residents please add 5% Sales Tax $___________
- US & Canada add $3.00 shipping
- Foreign orders please add $5.00 shipping S&H $___________
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>TOTAL ENCLOSED $___________
- Mail completed form with payment to:
- The Alcor Group, Inc.
- P.O. Box 966
- Goose Creek, SC 29445
- U.S.A.
- 15
- Registering by Credit Card ---
- ------------------------------
- You can order with MC, Visa, Amex, or Discover from the Public
- (software) Library by calling 1-800-2424-PsL or 713-524-6394 or
- by FAX to 1-713-524-6398 or by CIS Email to 71355,470. These
- numbers are for orders only. To insure that you get the latest
- version, PsL will notify us the day of your order and we will
- ship the product directly to you. Any questions about the status
- of the shipment of the order, refunds, registration options,
- product details, technical support, volume discounts, dealer
- pricing, site licenses, etc, must be directed to The Alcor Group.
- Inc. P.O. Box 966, Goose Creek, SC 29445 Telephone Number 1-803-
- 569-2241. You can also mail credit card orders to PsL at P.O.Box
- 35705, Houston, TX 77235-5705.
- When you register through PsL, you also will receive a coupon
- good for one free disk from PsL with any future order, plus the
- current issue of 'PsL News', which is the only major monthly
- magazine about shareware.
- Please use the order form for credit card purchases contained in
- the file AGORDER.DOC. If you have lost this file, the order form
- is also printed in this manual on the next page.
- Because of the cost of excepting credit cards, only the entire
- set may be ordered by credit card. If you would like to order
- individual games within the series you will need to do so by
- check or money order. Sorry for any inconvenience. Credit Cards
- cost us a lot of money to except.
- 16
- (Credit cards only)
- (Use this order form when ordering by Credit Card through PsL)
- To order by phone, call 1-800-2424-PsL or 1-713-524-6394
- Specify ->>>>>>> Product Number 10500
- DATE:___________
- NAME: ______________________________________________________
- ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________
- CITY: ______________________________________________________
- STATE: _________________________ ZIP CODE: __________________
- COUNTRY: ______________________________________________________
- PHONE: ______________________________________________________
- E-MAIL ADDRESS: _______________________________________________
- WHERE DID YOU GET THIS PROGRAM? ________________________________
- *****************************************************************
- * 1 Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek Set *
- * (Star-Log I thru Star-Log X) $ 15.00 *
- * Shipping and Handling $ 8.00 *
- * ======= *
- * TOTAL $ 24.00 *
- * *
- * Diskette type (check or circle one): [ ] 5.25" [ ] 3.5" *
- * *
- * Payment Method (check or circle one): *
- * [ ] MC [ ] Visa [ ] Amex [ ] Discover *
- * *
- * Card Number: _______________________________________________ *
- * *
- * Expiration Date:_______________________ *
- * *
- * SIGNATURE: ________________________________________________ *
- *****************************************************************
- Mail Completed Form To:
- PsL
- P.O. Box 35705
- Houston, TX 77235-5705
- U.S.A.
- Or fax to:1-713-524-6398 or email to CIS Email 71355,470
- 17
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- In the following sections you will find useful information about
- us and our programs including the files on a distribution disk,
- information on technical support, how to contact the author and
- how to navigate our user interface.
- Files on the Distribution Disk(s) ---
- -------------------------------------
- The following files are included with and make up the shareware
- version of The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I).
- The files listed below should be contained in any and all ar-
- chived distribution files. If any of the files are missing,
- please contact us immediately.
- AGREAD.ME Important last minute information etc.
- AGST1.BAT The batch file used to start the program.
- AGST1A.EXE Opening screen executable program.
- AGST1B.EXE The main program.
- AGST1.OVL Overlay file used by the program.
- AGST1.HLP Help system file used by the main program.
- AGMANUAL.DOC The Alcor Trivia Pro manual.
- LICENSE.DOC The Alcor Trivia Pro license agreement.
- AGSYSOP.DOC Information & documentation for BBS Sysops.
- AGVENDOR.DOC Information for shareware disk vendors.
- AGORDER.DOC Ordering information and order forms.
- The following files are created by The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic
- Star Trek (Star-Log I) as they are needed by the program. Do not
- include any of the files listed below in an archive that you pass
- along.
- AGST1HF.DAT Hall of Fame Data File used by the program.
- AGST1HF.NDX Hall of Fame Data File used by the program.
- AGST1HF1.NDX Hall of Fame Data File used by the program.
- AGST1HO.DAT Hall of Fame Data File used by the program.
- AGST1HO.NDX Hall of Fame Data File used by the program.
- AGST1HO1.NDX Hall of Fame Data File used by the program.
- AGST1HM.DAT Hall of Fame Data File used by the program.
- AGST1HM.NDX Hall of Fame Data File used by the program.
- AGST1HM1.NDX Hall of Fame Data File used by the program.
- AGST1SN.DAT Save file for number of questions game.
- AGST1SN.NDX Save file for number of questions game.
- AGST1SM.DAT Save file for number of misses game.
- AGST1SM.NDX Save file for number of misses game.
- AGST1SC.DAT Save file for casino style game.
- AGST1SC.NDX Save file for casino style game.
- AGST1.DEF System default file.
- AGST1.DEN System default file.
- AGST1.COL System default color file.
- AGST1.CON System default color file.
- 18
- Technical Support ---
- ---------------------
- We provide free, unlimited technical support for all our current
- products. You gain access to this support when you register your
- program. We will provide some technical support for un-registered
- users.
- Our support comes to you through several different channels:
- through the mail
- personal letters
- application notes
- newsletters
- new diskettes
- automated telephone advisories
- telephone conversations
- FAX communications
- The Technical Support Department is open Monday through Friday,
- 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time.
- If you have problems or questions about this software, please
- consult the User Guide or other documentation that accompanied
- this product. If you still need assistance, contact our Techni-
- cal Support Department.
- Technical Support's telephone number is 1-803-569-2241.
- Contacting the Author ---
- -------------------------
- The biggest complaint I hear about shareware programs is that
- authors of programs move or change their telephone number and
- users are not able to locate them for technical support.
- We have come up with a method so you can locate us several years
- from now, no matter how many times we may move or change tele-
- phone numbers as our company grows.
- The address below will be good until the year 2000. Arrangements
- have been made with a mailing agent to monitor this address and
- forward any and all correspondence and orders to us.
- This address is:
- The Alcor Group, Inc.
- P.O. Box 966
- Goose Creek, SC 29445
- If you are viewing this file after the year 2000, you have re-
- ceived an evaluation copy that is extremely out of date. Please
- locate a new copy of The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek Star-
- Log I from any major BBS or shareware distributor.
- 19
- Our current telephone number at the time of this release is:
- 1-803-569-2241
- If we cannot be reached at this number, please write to the
- address shown above to obtain our new telephone number.
- Always send product orders to the P.O. Box address, this will
- guarantee that we will receive the order.
- Registered users will always be sent change of address and tele-
- phone number notification. If you move after you have registered
- your copy of The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek Star-Log I,
- please contact us so that we can maintain your current address.
- A lot of times, an authors current address can be obtained from
- shareware vendors. If all else fails, find a vendor who distrib-
- utes the software and contact them. They may be able to help you.
- We hope that this idea will be adopted by other shareware au-
- thors. We think it's a great idea.
- Navigating the User Interface ---
- ---------------------------------
- To avoid repetition in the manual, the following are a few basic
- operational rules that apply throughout when using The Alcor
- Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I).
- Selecting Menu Options
- ----------------------
- There are three ways to select menu options in The Alcor
- Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I). When you need to
- select a Menu item, use one of the following methods:
- Press the highlighted letter to access the menu option.
- The highlighted letter is also known as a quick select character.
- Use the arrow keys to highlight the menu option and press
- Or, click on the menu option with the left mouse button.
- Cursor Movement
- ---------------
- The cursor can be moved in several ways depending on where you
- are in the program. We will discuss these methods in the follow-
- ing sections.
- 20
- Within a Screen
- ---------------
- Down Arrow, Tab, and Enter - Move the cursor to the next
- physical field.
- Up Arrow, and Shift-Tab - Move the cursor to the
- previous physical field.
- Ctrl-Home - Moves the cursor to the first
- field on the screen.
- Ctrl-End - Moves the cursor to the last
- field on the screen.
- Ctrl-Enter - Process all fields.
- Within a Field
- --------------
- Right and Left Arrows - Moves the cursor one
- character to the left or
- right.
- Home - Moves the cursor to the first
- character in the field.
- End - Moves the cursor to the last
- character in the field.
- Del - Deletes the character above
- the cursor.
- Backspace - Deletes the character to the
- left of the cursor.
- Scrolling Data Screens
- ----------------------
- Arrow Keys - Moves the Highlight bar up or
- down one field.
- Home - Moves the Highlight bar to the
- first line of data.
- End - Moves the Highlight bar to the
- last line of data.
- PgUp and PgDn - Moves the Highlight bar up or
- down one page at a time.
- 21
- Mouse Activity
- --------------
- Select - Single click with the left mouse button on the item
- to be selected. This includes all menu options, fields, and
- items listed in Look-Up windows.
- The Help System
- ---------------
- Press the Help key [F1] at any time to get help about the
- highlighted menu command, displayed error message, data
- entry field, or general topics.
- Items shown in bold face are keywords. You can select them to
- display additional information.
- By selecting keywords and listings within the help system
- index you can navigate through every topic contained in the
- help system.
- To exit the help system at any time, just press the escape
- [ESC] key on your keyboard. This will return you to the point
- in the program you were originally at.
- 22
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- The following information should be reviewed before attempting to
- use The Alcor Trivia Pro Game.
- Making Backup Copies ---
- ------------------------
- Before you start working with The Alcor Trivia Pro, it is a good
- idea to make a backup copy of The Alcor Trivia Pro disk(s). Then
- you can keep the original disk(s) in a safe place, and use the
- backup diskettes for your work.
- The instructions which follow will show you how to make a set of
- backup diskettes if you have a one or two disk drive system. If
- you have some other combination of disk drives and do not know
- how to make your own backups, you can either skip this procedure
- or consult your DOS manual or technical resource person for
- assistance. You will want to make either a set of 5 1/4" backups
- or 3 1/2" backups.
- From a Two Drive System
- -----------------------
- To make backup copies of The Alcor Trivia Pro's disk(s) from a
- two drive system:
- 1. For each original Alcor Trivia Pro disk, you will need one
- disk which has been formatted by DOS. Label your backup diskette
- with the game name and the word backup.
- 2. Start your computer.
- 3. Insert the original The Alcor Trivia Pro disk in
- Drive A.
- 4. Insert The Alcor Trivia Pro backup diskette in Drive B.
- 5. Type: B: and then Press: <ENTER>
- 6. At the B> prompt Type: COPY A: *.* and then Press: <ENTER>
- 7. Repeat the above steps for each original disk.
- 8. When copying is done, remove the disk(s).
- From a Single Drive System
- --------------------------
- 1. Insert your DOS disk in the A: drive.
- 2. Have an additional blank disk handy.
- 23
- 3. Type: A: then press <ENTER> then at the A> prompt type
- 4. At the prompt, insert the source disk (The Alcor Trivia Pro
- Classic original disk) into the A: drive and press <ENTER>.
- 5. At the prompt, insert the target disk (blank disk) into
- the A: drive.
- 6. Press <ENTER>.
- The target disk is an exact copy of the source disk. Repeat the
- above steps for each original disk.
- From Your Hard Disk to a Floppy
- -------------------------------
- If you downloaded this program from a BBS or on-line service, you
- most likely downloaded it directly to your hard disk.
- Use the DOS copy command to copy the compressed file to a format-
- ted floppy disk for backup purposes.
- 1. Insert a blank formatted disk in the A: or B: drive.
- 2. Change to the directory that contains the compressed file that
- you downloaded.
- 3. At the prompt, type: COPY <filename>.<extension> A:
- -or-
- COPY <filename>.<extension> B:
- <filename>.<extension> would be the file name that you used to
- download the program.
- For example: C>copy agst1.zip a:
- 4. When the backup is complete, remove the disk and label it then
- place it in a safe place.
- Installing the Game ---
- -----------------------
- You will need to install the program disk to your hard drive or a
- high density floppy before you can run the program. We highly
- recommend installing the program to a hard disk.
- Hard Disk Installation
- ----------------------
- To install The Alcor Trivia Pro Game just un-archive all of the
- files to a directory on your hard drive.
- The example shown below will use Pkware's ZIP Utility. If you
- received the archive file in another format and you are
- 24
- unfamiliar with the archiving method used, see the documentation
- that is contained with the archive program for instructions.
- Note: It is a good idea to make a backup floppy disk as described
- in the previous section even though you have a hard disk.
- 1. Turn on your computer. A C> prompt appears on the screen.
- 2. Enter mkdir agst1 to create a new directory named AGST1 on the
- hard disk.
- 3. Enter cd agst1 to change to the AGST1 directory.
- 4. Insert The Alcor Trivia Pro Program disk in drive A.
- 5. Enter copy a:*.* c: to start copying. MS-DOS copies all the
- files from the Alcor Trivia Pro Program disk to the AGST1 direc-
- tory on the hard disk drive.
- 6. When the disk file copy is finished and the floppy disk light
- is out, enter c: to return to the hard disk drive root directory,
- then remove The Alcor Trivia Pro disk and place it in a safe
- place.
- 7. Copy pkunzip.exe to the directory you created for The Alcor
- Trivia Pro on your hard disk drive.
- 8. Make sure you are in the AGST1 directory on your hard drive
- disk.
- 9. Enter pkunzip agst1.zip. This will unarchive all of the files
- to your hard drive disk.
- 10. Make sure your config.sys file has FILES=20 or greater.
- 11. The installation is complete. You will now be able to start
- The Alcor Trivia Pro from the directory AGST1 at any time you
- wish.
- High Density Floppy Disk Installation
- -------------------------------------
- There are so many methods to unarchive the original file to a
- high density disk, we recommend that you consult the documenta-
- tion that came with your archiving program. This area of exper-
- tise is beyond the scope of this manual. If you have trouble, you
- can call us for assistance at our technical support number shown
- elsewhere in this document.
- 25
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- To start The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I) you
- will need to change to the directory or disk that contains the
- program files.
- At the DOS prompt type AGST1 and then press the ENTER key. After
- a few moments the opening title screen will appear.
- The program is started using the batch file named AGST1.BAT.
- The Main Menu---
- ----------------
- The main menu is the first menu that will appear on your
- screen after starting The Alcor Trivia Pro. From this menu, you
- will be able to Setup the Trivia Game, Play a Game of Trivia,
- view the Game Instructions, explore the Why Register This Game?
- sections, Customize the Game or Quit and then exit the program to
- DOS.
- Setting Up The Game Play Menu Option---
- ---------------------------------------
- Selecting [ Setup Trivia Game Play ] from the Main Menu will
- allow you to select and setup the type of game you would like to
- play.
- Choosing The Game Type
- ----------------------
- At the game selection menu you will
- need to highlight the game type you
- would like to play. After you have
- highlighted your selection just
- press the enter key. You will be
- prompted to select either the [
- Number of Questions ], [ Number of
- Misses ], or the [ Casino Style ]
- game.
- The game type can also be selected
- by clicking on it using the left
- mouse button.
- Number of Questions Game
- ------------------------
- Selecting [ Number of Questions ]
- from the game selection menu, will
- set up the game play for the Number
- of Questions game.
- 26
- This type of game is played by a
- player answering a set number of
- questions. The game ends when the
- player has attempted to answer a
- certain number of questions.
- Number of Misses Game
- ---------------------
- Selecting [ Number of Misses Game ]
- from the game selection menu, will
- set up the game play for the Number
- of Misses game.
- This type of game is played by a
- player answering a set number of
- questions. The game ends when the
- player misses a set number of
- questions or answers all of the
- questions properly.
- Casino Style Game
- -----------------
- Selecting [ Casino Style Game ]
- from the game selection menu, will
- set up the game play for the Casino
- Style game.
- This type of game is played by a
- player answering a set number of
- questions. A player first places a
- bet before attempting to answer the
- question. The game ends when the
- player answers all of the questions
- properly or runs out of points.
- Next, you will see a series of editing screens that will allow
- you to enter the game characteristics. You can move from field to
- field until all of the information is entered correctly. When you
- answer Yes to [ Is this information correct? ] you will proceed
- to the next information input screen.
- How Many Players?
- -----------------
- Enter the total number of players
- or teams that will be participating
- in this round of game play.
- Entering The Players
- --------------------
- To enter the players, you will need
- to enter their name and handicap.
- The players handicap is the number
- of seconds that the program will
- delay after displaying the question
- 27
- before the count down timer will
- start. This allows players that
- read slower an equal chance against
- veteran players or fast readers.
- Entering The Players Name
- -------------------------
- Enter the name of the player as you
- would like it to appear throughout
- the game.
- If this player should win the game
- and be inducted into the Hall of
- Fame, this is how his or her name
- will appear.
- Entering The Players Handicaps
- ------------------------------
- Enter the number of seconds that
- this player is allowed to read the
- trivia question before the count-
- down timer is activated.
- This feature allows you to enter
- higher handicaps for slower or
- first time players. This way a
- seasoned pro or fast reader will
- not have a considerable edge over
- his or her opponent.
- Is this information correct?
- ----------------------------
- When you see the prompt [ Is This
- Information Correct? ] you can
- answer by entering a Y to proceed,
- or by entering a N for no.
- Entering a N will allow you to go
- back and correct any information
- that was accidentally entered
- wrong.
- The next screen will cover how the game will be played.
- Questions Per Player
- --------------------
- Enter the maximum number of ques-
- tions that a player will be allowed
- to attempt during this round of
- game play.
- 28
- The number of questions must be
- between the minimum and the maximum
- displayed on the screen.
- Bonus Questions Per Player
- --------------------------
- Enter the maximum bonus questions a
- player may earn by correctly an-
- swering regular trivia questions
- during the round.
- The number of questions must be
- between the minimum and the maximum
- displayed on the screen.
- Earning a Bonus Question
- ------------------------
- Enter the number of regular trivia
- questions that a player must answer
- correctly to earn a bonus question.
- The number of questions must be
- between the minimum and the maximum
- displayed on the screen.
- Number of Misses Allowed
- ------------------------
- If you are playing the number of
- misses game, you will be prompted
- to enter the number of questions a
- player may miss before he or she is
- out of the game.
- The number of questions must be
- between the minimum and the maximum
- displayed on the screen.
- Starting Points
- ---------------
- If you are playing the casino style
- game you will be prompted to enter
- the amount of points a player
- should have to start with at the
- beginning of a casino style game.
- The number of points must be be-
- tween the minimum and the maximum
- displayed on the screen.
- Is This Information Correct?
- ----------------------------
- Any time you see the prompt [ Is
- This Information Correct? ] you can
- answer by entering a Y to proceed,
- or by entering a N for no.
- 29
- Entering a N will allow you to go
- back and correct any information
- that was accidentally entered
- wrong.
- Playing The Alcor Trivia Pro Games---
- -------------------------------------
- Selecting [ Play a Game of Trivia ] from the Main Menu will start
- either the default game or the game you designed with the [ Setup
- Trivia Game Play ] routine.
- You will be asked if you would like to load and restore a saved
- game or begin a new game.
- Begin a New Game
- ----------------
- Selecting [ Begin New Game ] will start a new game. If you would
- like to restore a previously saved game, select [ Restore a Saved
- Game ] instead.
- Restoring a Saved Game
- ----------------------
- Select [ Restore a Saved Game ] if you would like to restore and
- start playing any of the previously saved games. If you want to
- start a new game select [ Begin New Game ] instead.
- Selecting The Game to Restore
- -----------------------------
- Highlight the game that you would like to restore and then press
- the enter key or click the left mouse button.
- This will load the saved game and start the game play at the
- point that you had previously saved it at.
- The Your Turn Window
- --------------------
- When you see the your turn window, you may press the Q key to
- quit playing the game or the S key to save the game that is in
- progress. Pressing any other key will start the players turn
- whose name appears in the window.
- Saving The Game
- ---------------
- If you would like to save the game in progress, press the S key
- at the your turn window.
- Move the highlight bar to the game slot that you would like to
- save this game to and then press the enter key.
- 30
- Next, when prompted enter the name you would like to save the
- game as.
- Quitting The Game
- -----------------
- If you would like to quit the game for any reason, just press the
- letter Q at the your turn window. This will bring up the quit
- menu. Then select the appropriate action.
- Quitting - Just You
- -------------------
- Selecting [ Quit - Just You ] from the Quit Game Menu will allow
- the player whose name appeared in the Your Turn Window to quit
- playing the current game. All other players will be able to
- continue playing the current game.
- Quitting - Everyone
- -------------------
- Selecting [ Quit - Everyone ] from the Quit Game Menu will halt
- the game in progress and then exit.
- Do not select this option if you would like to restart the game.
- This option will end the game and it will not be able to be
- restored.
- Canceling Quit
- --------------
- Selecting [ Cancel Quit ] from the Quit Game Menu will allow you
- to abandon the quit routine and continue playing the game.
- The Status Window
- -----------------
- The status window contains information about the current player.
- This window shows the players name, current score, number of
- questions left to play, number of misses left, and other helpful
- information depending on the type of game being played.
- The Timer Windows
- -----------------
- The Timer Windows display a visual representation of how much
- time is left for a player to answer the current question.
- The Points Windows
- ------------------
- The Point Windows display the amount of points a player can earn
- if the question is answered correctly at that current time.
- 31
- The Topic Window
- ----------------
- The Topic Window displays the current topic for the trivia ques-
- tion in play.
- The Question Window
- -------------------
- The Question Window displays the current trivia question that the
- player must attempt to answer correctly.
- The Answer Choices Window
- -------------------------
- The Answer Choices Window displays the choices that a player has
- for answers to the current question. Only one answer is correct.
- Selecting Your Choice
- ---------------------
- Enter the number corresponding to the answer choices that you
- believe correctly answers the current question. Your choices will
- be either a 1, 2, 3, or 4. You can use the keyboard or the numer-
- ic keypad to enter your choice. If you are using the numeric
- keypad, be sure that the NUM Lock key is on.
- If you would like to sacrifice half of the possible points you
- may earn for a correct response you can press the H key and
- receive a hint that may or may not help you to answer the ques-
- tion correctly.
- Getting a Hint
- --------------
- The Hint window displays a hint to help you answer the question
- correctly. If you need a hint to answer the question you will
- sacrifice half of the points you could have earned by answering
- the question without a hint.
- The Result Window
- -----------------
- The Result Window will inform the player if the question was
- correctly answered or not.
- Correct Answer
- --------------
- The Correct Answer Window will be displayed when you correctly
- answer the trivia question.
- This window will inform you that you have answered the question
- correctly, display the points that you have earned for correctly
- answering the question and display some additional trivia perti-
- 32
- nent to the present topic or question.
- Wrong Answer
- ------------
- The Wrong Answer Window will be displayed when you select the
- wrong answer for the trivia question.
- This window will inform you that you have answered the question
- wrong and will display the correct answer if the game is config-
- ured to do so.
- Final Scores
- ------------
- The Final Scores window will display all of the players scores at
- the end of a game. The winner will appear at the top of this
- window.
- Hall of Fame
- ------------
- The Hall of Fame displays the top ten players. Their names and
- score will appear in this window. To enter the Hall of Fame a
- player must beat the lowest score in the current Hall of Fame.
- Each game type contains its own Hall of Fame.
- The Bet Window
- --------------
- The Bet Window displays the players betting choices. The player
- may bet 1/4, 1/2, ALL, or none of his or her current score. This
- window is only displayed in the casino style game.
- Placing Your Bet
- ----------------
- A player places his or her bet by entering a 1 for 1/4 of his or
- her current score, 2 for 1/2 of his or her current score, 3 for
- ALL of his or her current score, or 4 for NONE of his or her
- current score.
- If the question is answered correctly, he or she will earn the
- amount of points bet plus a bonus point score depending on how
- quickly he or she answered the question.
- If the player answers the question wrong, he or she will lose the
- amount of points that he or she bet.
- This window is only displayed in the casino style game.
- 33
- You're Out of The Game Window
- -----------------------------
- If a players score falls to zero that player is out of the game
- and will be told so by the Your Out of The Game Window. This
- window is only displayed in the casino style game.
- Viewing The Online Game Instructions---
- ---------------------------------------
- Selecting [ Game Instructions ] from the Main Menu will allow you
- to browse and read thru the manual contained on disk. You can use
- the arrow keys, page up, page down, home and end to browse thru
- the entire printable game manual.
- Navigating Through The Instructions
- -----------------------------------
- When viewing the online manual you can use the cursor keys and
- mouse to navigate freely around the manual. Movement within the
- viewing window is as follows:
- Arrow up/Arrow right Moves the viewport of the window
- back one line of text.
- Arrow down/Arrow left Moves the viewport of the window
- forward one line of text.
- Page up Moves the viewport of the window
- one page of text back.
- Page down Moves the viewport of the window
- one page of text forward.
- Home Sets the viewport to the top of
- the manual.
- End Sets the viewport to the last
- page of the manual.
- The mouse movement can be used to emulate the arrow keys to move
- within the manual. The <ENTER> key will terminate the viewing of
- the manual and close the viewport window.
- Why Should I Register This Game? Menu Selection---
- --------------------------------------------------
- By choosing [ Why Register This Game? ] from the Main Menu, you
- will find information on the many benefits of registering your
- copy.
- You will be able to order this game and any other volumes in this
- series you would like.
- 34
- To order The Alcor Trivia Pro using this routine you will need a
- printer attached to your computer. A completed order form will be
- printed for you.
- If you do not have a printer, you should read agorder.doc and
- handwrite the order form.
- Quitting The Game---
- --------------------
- Selecting [ Quit ] from the main menu will exit The Alcor
- Trivia Pro and return you to the DOS Prompt.
- 35
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Selecting [ Customize The Game ] from The Main Menu will allow
- you to customize the game defaults and the colors used throughout
- the game. You will also be able to reset the factory defaults and
- colors by making this selection.
- Customize Game Play---
- ----------------------
- Selecting [ Customize Game Play ] from the Customize The Game
- Main Menu will allow you to customize how the default game is
- played. You will also be able to set the type of game to play as
- the default from this selection.
- Selecting the Default Game Type
- -------------------------------
- Highlight the game type that you
- would like and then press enter or
- using the left mouse button click
- on the desired game to use as the
- default.
- Questions Per Player
- --------------------
- Enter the number of questions that
- each player should be allowed to
- attempted. This number will become
- the system default until you change
- it again from this area.
- Bonus Questions Per Player
- --------------------------
- Enter the number of bonus questions
- that each player should be allowed
- to earn. This number will become
- the system default until you change
- it again from this area.
- Earning Bonus Questions
- -----------------------
- Enter the number of questions that
- each player must complete
- correctly in a row to earn a bonus
- question. This number will become
- the system default until you change
- it again from this area.
- Number of Misses Allowed
- ------------------------
- If you choose to setup the number
- of misses game, you will be prompt-
- ed to enter the number of questions
- that each player may miss before
- the game ends. This number will
- become the system default until you
- change it again from this area.
- 36
- Starting Points
- ---------------
- If you choose to setup the casino
- style game, you will be prompted to
- enter the number of points that a
- player should start out with when
- playing a Casino Style Game. This
- number will become the system
- default until you change it again
- from this area.
- Default Player Name
- -------------------
- Enter the name to be used as the
- systems default players name. This
- name will become the system default
- until you change it again from this
- area.
- Default Player Handicap
- -----------------------
- Enter the players handicap in
- seconds that you would like to use
- as the default. This number will
- become the system default until you
- change it again from this area.
- Sound Effects
- -------------
- If you would like sound effect on,
- enter a Y for yes. If you do not
- want sound effects, enter a N for
- no.
- Allowing Hints
- --------------
- If you would like to allow the use
- of the hints feature, enter a Y for
- yes. If you do not want to allow
- the use of the hints feature, enter
- a N for no.
- Cheat Codes
- -----------
- If you would like to allow the use
- of the cheat code, enter a Y for
- yes. If you do not want to allow
- the use of the cheat code, enter a
- N for no.
- Hall of Fame
- ------------
- If you would like to use the Hall
- of Fame, enter a Y for yes. If you
- do not want to use the Hall of
- Fame, enter a N for no.
- 37
- Game Timer
- ----------
- If you would like to use the game
- timer, enter a Y for yes. If you do
- not want to use the game timer,
- enter a N for no.
- Show Correct Answer Anyway
- --------------------------
- If you would like to display the
- correct answer even when the ques-
- tion was answered wrong, enter a Y
- for yes. If you do not want to,
- enter a N for no.
- Minimum Score to Enter Hall of Fame
- -----------------------------------
- Enter the minimum score that a
- player has to obtain before he or
- she is allowed to enter the Hall of
- Fame.
- Is This Information Correct?
- ----------------------------
- Any time you see the prompt [ Is
- This Information Correct? ] you can
- answer by entering a Y to proceed,
- or by entering a N for no.
- Entering a N will allow you to go
- back and correct any information
- that was accidentally entered
- wrong.
- Customize Game Colors---
- ------------------------
- Selecting [ Customize Game Colors ] from the Customize The Game
- Main Menu will allow you to customize the default colors used
- through out the game.
- Windows That Can be Customized
- ------------------------------
- Almost every window, menu, or input screen that you see in the
- game can be customized exactly the way that you would like it to
- appear.
- What Can be Changed
- -------------------
- The following lists the attributes that can be customized for
- each window, menu, or input screen in the Alcor Trivia Pro game.
- If the attribute can be customized in the window or menu you have
- selected, it will appear in the changes menu.
- 38
- Highlighting the selection and press the enter key to change the
- attribute.
- You can also change attributes by clicking on the selection using
- the left mouse button.
- Border foreground color
- Border background color
- Border type
- Window area foreground color
- Window area background color
- Text foreground color
- Text background color
- Quick selection character foreground color
- Quick selection character background color
- Selection bar foreground color
- Selection bar background color
- Input fields foreground color
- Input fields background color
- Cross reference text foreground color
- Cross reference text background color
- Cross ref. selection bar foreground color
- Cross ref. selection bar background color
- Window shadow foreground color
- Window shadow background color
- Exiting the Color Setup Menu
- ----------------------------
- Highlighting this selection and pressing the enter key will exit
- you from the Change Window Colors Menu.
- You can also exit this function by clicking on this selection
- using the left mouse button.
- Restoring Factory Defaults---
- -----------------------------
- Selecting [ Restore Factory Defaults ] from the Customize The
- Game Main Menu will reset the factory game play defaults.
- Restoring Factory Colors---
- ---------------------------
- Selecting [ Restore Factory Colors ] from the Customize The Game
- Main Menu will reset the factory defined game color scheme.
- Exiting the Customize Routine---
- --------------------------------
- Selecting [ Exit Customize ] from the Customize The Game Main
- Menu will exit the game customizing routines.
- Note: Not all of the changes you have made will take effect until
- you have exited to DOS and restarted the game.
- 39
- How to Save Multi-Player Games As System Default---
- ---------------------------------------------------
- If you frequently play multi player games with the same people,
- save the game when the first player is up. Then, when you would
- like to play the game again at a later date, all that you will
- have to do is restore the game and play it again.
- 40
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Here at The Alcor Group, Inc., we take great pride in the quality
- of our programs. Even after they're shipped out the door, we are
- constantly improving, honing and perfecting each and every one.
- Your feedback is important. No matter how much testing we do, it
- seems that some bugs never appear until thousands of people begin
- doing all those wild and crazy things that they seem to do.
- If you experience any problems with The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic
- Star Trek (Star-Log I) game, please send us as much information
- as you possibly can. We strive to correct any and all bugs found
- in our programs as quickly as possible. The more information that
- you provide us with, the faster we can correct the problem.
- Please feel free to send us any ideas or changes that you feel
- will improve The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I).
- We want this program to work and play the way our users want it
- to.
- All ideas will be considered and incorporated into future re-
- leases as seen fit.
- If you have an interesting trivia question we would love to hear
- from you. Send any and all trivia questions to us along with the
- source you used to create the question.
- Or, if you have any other suggestions, or if you would just like
- to tell us your opinion of The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek
- (Star-Log I), drop us a note. We love every excuse to stop work-
- ing, and a letter from you is just such an excuse we are looking
- for.
- Write to:
- The Alcor Group, Inc.
- P.O. Box 966
- Goose Creek, SC 29445
- Attn:Help AGST1!
- You can call The Alcor Group, Inc. Technical Support Line to
- report bugs and technical problems, but not for hints or clues,
- at 1-(803) 569-2241.
- 41
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- The following sections provide in-depth descriptions of perform-
- ing certain tasks and include valuable technical information.
- A Quick DOS Primer ---
- ----------------------
- Below we have listed the functions that you will need to know to
- operate The Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek (Star-Log I) on
- your system.
- The DOS prompt
- --------------
- On dual floppy systems, you normally have an A: prompt or B:
- prompt. Hard disk systems usually display a C: prompt. You enter
- commands that DOS recognizes at these prompts.
- The prompt indicates the drive in which your computer is current-
- ly working. If you enter a command at the A: prompt, DOS works on
- the A: drive.
- Changing disk drives
- --------------------
- To change from one drive to another, type the letter of the drive
- and a colon and press <ENTER>. For example, if you are at an A>
- prompt and want to go to a C> prompt, just type C: and press
- <ENTER>.
- Changing directories
- --------------------
- To change from one directory to another, use the DOS command CD.
- For example, if you want to change to the directory named AGST1,
- just type CD\AGST1 and press <ENTER>. This will move you to the
- AGST1 directory. To return to the root directory, just type CD\
- and press <ENTER>.
- Creating directories
- --------------------
- To create a directory, use the DOS command MD or MKDIR. For
- example, if you want to create a directory named AGST1, just type
- MD AGST1 or MKDIR AGST1 and press <ENTER> from your root directo-
- ry. This will create a directory named AGST1.
- 42
- Deleting directories
- --------------------
- To remove a directory, use the DOS command RD or RMDIR. For
- example, if you want to delete a directory named AGST1, just type
- RD AGST1 or RMDIR AGST1 and press <ENTER> from you root directo-
- ry. This will remove the directory named AGST1. For this command
- to work, the directory to be deleted must be empty.
- Formatting floppy disks
- -----------------------
- Formatting initializes the floppy disk to make it usable on your
- computer and checks it over for possible defects that could make
- it unusable. All new diskettes should be formatted before being
- used. Please make sure you are formatting the diskettes in your
- floppy drive and not the hard disk itself if your system has a
- hard disk. The computer warns you if you have accidentally se-
- lected the hard drive designation, so please watch your screen.
- Once you format something, everything IS ERASED.
- To format a floppy diskette, enter the command format A: or
- format B:.
- If you want to format and put the operating system on the disk-
- ette at the same time, enter the command format A:/s or format
- B:/s.
- Copying diskettes
- -----------------
- To make duplicate diskettes for backup purposes, there are two
- copy programs; COPY and DISKCOPY. Copy is used for one or more
- files; Diskcopy is used to duplicate a complete diskette. When
- you use the diskcopy command, it must be from one format to the
- same format: for example, from one floppy disk to another floppy
- disk. Diskcopy cannot be used for copying from a hard drive to a
- floppy disk.
- Diskcopy is used as follows.
- diskcopy source_drive: destination_drive:
- For example, if you want to copy the entire disk from drive A to
- drive B, enter DISKCOPY A: B:.
- If you want to copy the entire disk from drive B to drive A,
- enter DISKCOPY B: A:.
- Copy is used for copying one disk to another, a group of files
- from one disk to another, or for copying from a floppy disk to a
- hard disk.
- 43
- Copy is used as follows.
- copy sourcedrive:file_name destination_drive:
- For example, if you want to copy all of the files from one disk
- to another disk, type COPY A: *.* B:. This will copy all of the
- files from drive A to drive B.
- Checking for available disk space
- ---------------------------------
- If you want to know how much available space is on a diskette or
- your hard drive, enter the DOS command CHKDSK and press enter
- from the DOS prompt of the drive containing the diskette or hard
- drive to check.
- The computer then displays the capacity of the drive, available
- space, system memory, and available system memory.
- Setting the system date and time
- --------------------------------
- To enter the current date, enter the DOS command DATE and press
- <ENTER>.
- To enter the current time, enter the DOS command TIME and press
- <ENTER>.
- We strongly recommend that you refer to your MS-DOS reference
- guide for further information on all of the above commands before
- you try to use them.
- 44
- Editing Keys Used In Our User Interface ---
- -------------------------------------------
- The following is a quick reference to the editing keys used by
- our user interface.
- Cursor movement
- ---------------
- Arrow keys - cursor movement
- Ctrl-LeftArrow - word left
- Ctrl-RightArrow - word right
- Home - beginning of field
- End - end of line/field
- Ctrl-Home - beginning of first field
- Ctrl-End - end of last field
- Tab - next field
- Shift-Tab - previous field
- Inserting and Deleting
- ----------------------
- Ins - toggle insert mode
- Del - delete character at cursor
- Backspace - delete character left
- Ctrl-Backspace - delete word left
- Ctrl-T - delete word right
- Ctrl-U - delete to end of field
- Ctrl-Y - delete to end of form
- Other editing keys
- ------------------
- Enter - process current field
- Ctrl-Enter - process all fields
- Ctrl-R - restore field
- Esc - abort data entry
- 45